#Red Roses for a Red Bandit
This was Bandit life before he was taken and
on the
11th September 2017:
Bandits case was taken to the Supreme Court
November 2020 and was Bandits last chance to go home
or be Put to Sleep without any loved ones around him :[
(which will be a very sad day for all who own and support Bandit)
on the
Bandits case was taken to the Supreme Court
November 2020 and was Bandits last chance to go home
or be Put to Sleep without any loved ones around him :[
(which will be a very sad day for all who own and support Bandit)
This is Bandit since 11th September 2017 (This is no life for a young cattle dog - 18 months when taken - His birthday is in April)
These are the only photos the owners were allowed until they were banned from seeing their dog. It has now been over a year and coming up to 2 years that Bandit has been locked in that cage. He is there 24/7. 3 years since this family and owners have seen, touched, played, washed exercised or walked their dog. This separation has had a huge impact not only on Bandit but his owner a 16 year old girl who is now seeing a Therapist. The Therapist has written to council asking them to allow her visitation to help with her condition - This was flatly Denied.
There has been a continual hatred from neighbours towards Bandit. The neighbours dog got into Bandits yard through a hole in the fence that the neighbour had placed there by kicking at the fence. There has been an issue for a while with this neighbour and they have threaten to kill Bandit and have on many occasions, trying to release him from his property. On that day the neighbours dog charged and tried to attack both Bandit and his owner on Bandits property - Bandit was protecting his owner so chased this dog back through the hole but followed. 2 hours later Bandit was seized by Council and locked in a cage 1.2 metre on 11th September 2017 where he has remained 24/7 even today. So we are trying to raise enough funds to help Bring Bandit home to his new home - away from that neighbour. Bandit is not a dangerous dog as they are stating - He is a dog that was protecting his property and owner that day. Is that not why most people get a dog in the first place?
Bandit was killed by Scenic Rim Council November 2020. He lived his last 3 years trapped in a cage with people who abused him Scenic Rim Council. No exercise, No bed No blankets in winter and would hose his cage out dusk and dawn.
Bandit was just 18 months when they took him. He could have been re trained but that was not what this council wanted. Death was their only wanting - only action.
As their last cruel cruel act to Bandit and to his family on that day they killed him they would have put the needle in, bagged him and thrown him in a dumpster like rubbish. Family were not allowed to say good bye were not allowed to comfort him. Family were not given the body back to bury him to have closure. I find this truly evil. Are these really the people we want to care for and be in charge of our pets.
I think not. I will never forget Bandit he will be in my memory forever - he certainly didn't deserve how he was treat or what he received.
Scenic Rim Council and many other council say they are protecting the public but this is just a lie. Many have no training in the behaviour of an animal or a dog. So how can they make these decisions to kill someone pet without this train.
Dogs are there to protect you your property but in reality if they do this they are signing their death warrant. Pets are family and when they are killed we kill a family member.
It still haunts me today just how cruel this council was with Bandit.
I have made this page to honour Bandit and to let others know - that this treatment is/was not ok.
Bandit - an 18 month old Pure Bred Papered Cattle Pup when taken by SRRC - was caged 24/7 since September 2017 for protecting his owner and his property - Before Bandit was killed by SRRC he had NOT seen his family for 3 years and they him. All visitation was been BANNED by SRRC which was and is illegal. As a person has the right to inspect their property (which is what all dogs and cats are classed under the law - Property) SRRC in the last few months placed a tarp around Bandits cage so he got no ventilation, no sight to anywhere. How is this legal???
Fighting to bring Bandit home alive has cost this family greatly so with any money raised I hope to ease that burden and help them to bury their dog. There family member.
RIP Bandit - you didn't deserve the punishment you got and the punishment received (death) by SRRC.
You maybe gone but you will never be forgotten.
5 years on and SRRCouncil are still tormenting this family by taking them to court to get back any fees it cost. Unbelievable.